Costal Terrain Collaboration by Troy Axelrod and Kathleen Hope | Grace Renee Gallery

Costal Terrain Collaboration by Troy Axelrod and Kathleen Hope - Cement on Wood Panel - 40 by 32 inches - 4" by 52" by 1" panels

  1. Grace Renee Gallery
  2. Designers
  3. Kathleen Hope
  4. Costal Terrain Collaboration by Troy Axelrod and Kathleen Hope

Costal Terrain Collaboration by Troy Axelrod and Kathleen Hope
Costal Terrain Collaboration by Troy Axelrod and Kathleen Hope - Cement on Wood Panel - 40 by 32 inches - 4" by 52" by 1" panels
Product#: KH456994
Costal Terrain Collaboration by Troy Axelrod and Kathleen Hope